Saturday, August 29, 2009

hours to cry before we sleep..

------better not to read this :-)-----too philosophical------------

When we are up to something we leave behind some other things which seems unimportant to us at that time. And when we are denied the thing which we are up to ,we obviously trail back some steps and take the other 'road not taken'. At times, the backward trail is so easy and simple. But in these easy cases, we would have contemplated the consequences and forthcomings well in advance. This is what we mean to be cautious or 'be prepared for everything' attitude.

But what do we do when we fail miserably? In a way upon which we haven't thought about an alternative .What runs in our mind when our desire lead us somewhere near a dead end, from where there is no coming back, because we were too weak to imagine the things to be ready with, in case of failures. Or May be we didn't want that thing to fail us so badly, because life seems so so meaningless, if that is not going to happen. When life goes meaningless and when we aren't prepared for such a vacuum so big as this, its better to sit alone, all alone and cry until we cry better .... :-(


  1. Every problem, has a solution. As time goes by, it will hit on ur face ! Rather crying alone sharing with friends is a better option !

  2. yeah that seems to be a panacea :-| but crying seems to be a quicker ... "she must weep or she will die"...remember?

  3. Crying alone will help as long as the crying stops after a while .
