Sunday, September 28, 2008

the day had lotta twists

sep 28
went to coll in the morning.had viva. the questions were about the project.I really loved that.Played cricket in the apartment in the afternoon.didnt score notable runs.sobs.spent some time in the RUBIKS project.havin a serious, 'Stack overflow error'. Hoping to solve it in some time.visak karthick came home.orkuttin......evening. played chess.three games.straight wins.not a big deal.night show plan fixed.5 mins.plan cancelled.

had some time wit mom and n mom went to went on wit the java proj.the door met wit scant but continuous thuddings.later it became loud rumbles.i rushed to the door.the aunty upstairs stood up there with tears.she told me tat when she returned home after a movie, she found all her jewels missin.25 pouns mom consoled her and took her home.a big crowd in minutes.two of us went to the adjacent apartment and asked its watchman about any suspicions.we investigated them and made all of our with my dad ,went to police station.i read all the 'missing' 'found dead' posters with awe.we brought a couple of police.i started to complain the three watchmen of my apartment.aunty was ok then.(she used to get me the side dish for 'chappathi' daily.uncle is in nice of her).feelin very sad.think i will be goin to police station tomo again with aunty."I strongly have a suspicion about Rajan watchman(adjacent ap)".

sep 29

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